Media Peices

Sean Wishes Craig Happy Birthday (Flash with sound)
A really nice birthday card Suzanne made on the computer. I converted it to a Flash file. To hear Sean your computer needs to be able to play .mp3 files. 2001

Candidate Teigen (Flash with sound)
A funny look at my friend 'Senator' Victor Teigen. 2001

Plight of the Organics (Flash Cartoon)
This Science Fiction cartoon is from 1988. A silly little tale orginally designed on my old Macintosh with dot matrix printer. 2001

Craig's Mini Art Museum. (large Flash file)
This is a large Flash file showing some small drawings I did in 2001 based on The Sports Illustrated 2000 Swimsuit Calendar.

Friendly Fire (Flash Cartoon)
A silly cartoon I drew about war and jealously featuring Elvis Presley, Sheryl Crow, and yours truly. 2001

Hapless (HTML)
A cartoon about doing a lighting retrofit at an Air National Guard base and almost getting shot. 2001
More information on Victor and my adventures changing ballasts at the NDANG and the History of Hap.

Tim Sings The Friends Theme (MP3 sound file) June 2002

New Yorker Cartoons 1986 (Flash)
I wanted to share some of my favorite New Yorker Cartoons. I used Flash and created a movie with buttons, captions and commentary. 2002

Rhino Craig (Flash with sound)
The book is silly like most self-help books, but it's sort of funny too. I got this idea for a little Flash movie file about me as a "Rhino Success" reader. (You need to be able to play .mp3 files to hear the sound effects but it's not required.) I scanned a photo in Photoshop, then traced a new layer. I took that layer to Freehand and vectorized it. In Flash I assembled the eps vector file and added animated effects, text and sound effects. It comes in at an unbelievably svelte 20k. This is the beauty of vector graphs. 2002

Happy Birthday To Ray (Flash)
An animated version of the birthday card I made dad. 2003

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